Why is window cleaning important?
Many homes and business owners forget to maintain clean looking windows as they can't see the value in it. Let us tell you that whether you do it yourself or hire professionals, here are 4 main reasons to clean your dirty windows:
Prevent glass degradation
Probably the most important reason, as dirt particles enter the glass' pores, contaminating and corroding the window. First, you'll notice some light scratches or cracks, but eventually, a window not maintained will lose its structural level and need replacing as there is no undoing the damage done.
Stand out in your street
Clear, sparkling windows are very noticeable and will impress all visitors to your home. It makes a business look more appealing as it shows they care about the appearance of their brand.
Stop bad air quality
Dirt particles such as mould will build up on your windows and sills, which may pose a health threat to your family or employees over time. If the air in your home or business is feeling a little stagnant, a window clean can help clear the air.
Enjoy a better view
Not to state the obvious, but if your windows are dirty, chances are your view is hindered. Regardless of whether your view is modest or not, a clear, transparent window is much more enjoyable to look through than a dirty one.